I’m always searching for next two string when I’m doing a NetInstall of CentOS using HTTP as media: “Website Name” and “CentOS Directory”.
As example, to install CentOS 5.6 from mirror.centos.org for 32 bit platform:
Website Name: mirror.centos.org
CentOS Directory: centos/5.6/os/i386
For 64 bit platform:
Website Name: mirror.centos.org
CentOS Directory: centos/5.6/os/x86_64
For my current location and 64 bit platform best chose would be:
Website Name: mirror.duomenucentras.lt
CentOS Directory: centos/5.6/os/x86_64
Yep, it’s easy to remember or to find on the Internet, but I’ll keep them here just for me. I’m sure I’ll forgot this two when I’ll be doing next install someday.