Photography and Software Engineering
VilniusPHP @ September 07, 2023
After being in IT and software development for 20+ years and being a beginner photographer for 3+ years I realized that my creative hobby is not so different from my work. What similarities did I found?
VilniusPHP @ August 01, 2019
Introduction into Money Patterns, talk at VilniusPHP community meetup.
VilniusPHP @ July 04, 2019
Introduction into Factory Patterns, talk at VilniusPHP community meetup.
VilniusPHP @ May 09, 2019
Talk about different metrics we can gather how to use them to monitor projects/products. Talk at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Decorator and Chain of Responsibility Patterns
VilniusPHP @ Nov 8, 2018
Introduction into Decorator and Chain of Responsibility Patterns, talk at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Kubernetes – From Beginner to Beginners
VilniusPHP @ Oct 4, 2018
Introduction into exciting Kubernetes – modern tool for container orchestration, talk at VilniusPHP community meetup.
PSR: standardising HTTP
VilniusPHP @ Sep 6, 2018
Framework Interoperability Group in PSRs has few recommendations related to HTTP. Let’s review them and see benefits we can get from using them.
Atomic Commits
VilniusPHP @ Jul 12, 2018
Every day we commit our code into VCS. We commit typos and bug fixes, we refactor code, we add new features. But is there a way to commit our code in a better way?
Talk about Atomic Commits convention when using a revision control systems at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Dead Letters
VilniusPHP @ Jan 4, 2018
Handling Dead Letters within Message Broker using Dead Letters Exchange queues.
NGINX Unit – Application Server from NGINX Inc.
VilniusPHP @ Oct 5, 2017
NGINX is a de facto standard solution for building high-performance websites, released 12 years ago. On September 6th, 2017 NGINX developers introduced their new product the NGINX Unit. NGINX Unit is a missing link between our WEB applications, NGINX server and NGINX Inc. future plans. What is this NGINX Unit and what it does – that’s exactly what this talk was about.
MySQL InnoDB Cluster
VilniusPHP @ Sep 7, 2017
Brief introduction for those who are not familiar with the new feature “MySQL InnoDB Cluster” present in MySQL 5.7 at VilniusPHP community meetup. Covered topics: What is MySQL InnoDB Cluster, Cluster Components, Connecting from PHP Project, Failover demonstration.
MySQL JSON – New Data Type JSON in MySQL 5.7
VilniusPHP @ Aug 3, 2017
Brief introduction for those who are not familiar with the new data type JSON in MySQL 5.7 at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Linux High Availability Cluster – Pacemaker & Corosync
.NFQ | Talks @ Jul 27, 2017
Presentation about one of my old experiments to ensure the High Availability features for the Load-Balancer NGINX server. Covered topics: what the Linux Cluster is, what are the components and what they are doing, and demo how it works using Pacemaker, Corosync, VirtualBox, NGINX, DRBD and NFS. Presentation and slides done in Lithuanian.
Linux High Availability Cluster – Pacemaker & Corosync
VilniusPHP @ Jul 13, 2017
Presentation about one of my old experiments to ensure the High Availability features for the Load-Balancer NGINX server. Covered topics: what the Linux Cluster is, what are the components and what they are doing, and demo how it works using Pacemaker, Corosync, VirtualBox, NGINX, DRBD and NFS. Presentation and slides done in Lithuanian.
“tmux” and “GNU Screen”
VilniusPHP @ Jun 1, 2017
Brief introduction for those who are not familiar with the Terminal multiplexers “tmux” and “GNU Screen” at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Come to the TypeScript – we have type hinting!
VilniusPHP @ May 4, 2017
Brief introduction for those who are not familiar with the TypeScript from PHP developers perspective at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Supervisor – A Process Control System
VilniusPHP @ Apr 6, 2017
Brief introduction for those who are not familiar with the Supervisor and how it is used with PHP at VilniusPHP community meetup.
HTTP/2 Out Of The Box. Can you get it with “stable” Linux?
VilniusPHP @ Aug 4, 2016
Presenting story how my team adopted HTTP/2 for the project we are working on. First experiment, SPDY adoption, migration to HTTP/2 and how everything went wrong.
LXC – A Tool For Experiments
VilniusPHP @ May 5, 2016
Presenting LCX (Linux Containers) as a tool for experiments I use when adopt new software and some ideas how to use on daily basis.
Kodėl aš skaitau pranešimus
VilniusPHP @ Dec 3, 2015
“Kodėl aš skaitau pranešimus” – kalba skirta įkvėpti kitus pradėti dalintis sukaupta patirtimi.
LXC – A Tool For Experiments
.NFQ | Talks @ Dec 2, 2015
Presenting LCX (Linux Containers) as a tool for experiments I use when adopt new software and some ideas how to use on daily basis.
Redis – In-memory Data Structure Store
.NFQ | Talks @ Oct 12, 2015
I have shared my experience using Redis as cache store and message broker, also presented major possibilities and functionalities of the Redis.
Continuous Delivery – Almost Continuous Almost Delivery
VilniusPHP @ Jun 4, 2015
I have shared my experience in organizing Continuous Delivery process in my team according to company and project requirements using open source tools: Jenkins CI, Capistrano, PHPUnit and other PHP QA Tools at VilniusPHP community meetup.
Continuous Delivery – Almost Continuous Almost Delivery
.NFQ | Talks @ Apr 22, 2015
I have shared my experience in organizing Continuous Delivery process in my team according to company and project requirements using open source tools: Jenkins CI, Capistrano, PHPUnit and other PHP QA Tools.
Sphinx Search: Real-Time Index
VilniusPHP @ Jan 8, 2015
Presentation of Sphinx Search Real-Time index feature at VilniusPHP community meetup.
PHP QA Tools – PHP Code Quality
VilniusPHP @ Dec 4, 2014
Short talk at VilniusPHP community meetup about quality tools that my team uses on daily basis for better code quality.
Gearman – Hidden gears of your application
VilniusPHP @ Nov 6, 2014
Presentation of Gearman Job Queue at Vilnius PHP community meetup
Gearman – Hidden gears of your application
.NFQ | Talks @ Oct 8, 2014
Two short talks at .NFQ offices in Kaunas and Vilnius about Gearman Job Queue that my team used in few project.
PHP QA Tools – PHP Code Quality
.NFQ | Talks @ Sep 8, 2014
Two short talks at .NFQ offices in Kaunas and Vilnius about quality tools that my team uses on daily basis for better code quality.
Redis – Mažas, greitas, galingas!
VilniusPHP @ Jun 6, 2013
Presentation of Redis advanced key-value cache and store at Vilnius PHP community meetup
Apr 20, 2013
Presentation of NGINX and PHP-FPM at InfoShow Web Conference
Apr 4, 2013
Presentation of NGINX and PHP-FPM at Vilniuas PHP community meetup
Projekto istorija augant iki 1.5M vartotojų per dieną
Feb 7, 2013
Presentation how project was scaled up to 1.5 M visitors per day at Vilniuas PHP community meetup
Projekto su 1.5M lankytojų per dieną apkrovimo paskirstymo istorija
Apr 21, 2012
Presentation how project was scaled up to 1.5 M visitors per day at InfoShow Web Conference
PHP+MySQL projektai ir didėlis lankomumas
InfoShow @ Apr 21, 2009
Pasiimam duomenis iš trečios šalies šaltinių
InfoShow @ Apr 12, 2008